Returns Policy
If you would like to return any items from your order for a refund, you can do so by notifying us within 14 days of the delivery date on most products.
PLEASE NOTE: Personalised and specially modified products can not be returned for a refund.
Any product returns should be as delivered, unused and returned in the original delivery packaging.
The original order number should be clearly written on the outer packaging or the return label, so that we can match the return with your order.
The return process can take up to 14 days and the value of the returned items will be made back to your original payment method whenever possible within that time frame.
All returns should be sent to:
Pearl Glass
Returns (Your Order Number)
Stone Farm Nursery
Stone Street
Please note, that we do not offer a free returns option and are unable to provide you with a returns label. Depending on the size and weight of your return, we recommend either Royal Mail, Evri or Parcelforce as options to consider for your return.